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Welcome to Happy as a Homebody!

Thank you so much for visiting Happy as a Homebody! I'm so glad you're here!


My name is Tori Schiazza. At the core of who I am, I'm a believer, daughter, sister and friend. I was born and raised in the upstate of South Carolina where I still live with my two kitties Bowman and Tillman. I am a board certified family nurse practitioner and I love the art and science of nursing. Taking care of patients has been one of the greatest privileges of my life.


I created this blog because I am most passionate about the things that take place at home! Whether it be interior design and decor, health and wellness, non-toxic living, developing personal style or fellowshipping, gathering and relationship building, the things that take place at home in my everyday life are what make me happy to be a homebody! Think about it: the things that happen in our homes are shaping and equipping us to face the outside world and all of its challenges! Isn’t it important to create homes that cultivate inspiration and creativity, provide rest and peace, promote health and wellness and are abundant in love?


My home is constantly evolving and I have been inspired to share that journey with others! Blogging is a new hobby for me; a creative outlet to inspire and be inspired. I hope we can do that for each other here! I want to use this space intentionally to show you what it means to be Happy as a Homebody! 


Follow me on Instagram to get to know me even better @happyasahomebody. Don't be a stranger! Subscribe and say, "Hi!" I'd love to get to know you too and hear what makes you Happy as a Homebody!


What makes you Happy as a Homebody?

Thanks for sharing with me!

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