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Essential Oils 101

Achieving health and wellness takes intentional practice. It’s something we should be striving for daily. I’m really passionate about sharing how essential oils can help you on your health and wellness journey! What changes can we make within our homes and daily routines to encourage and support our overall health and wellness?

Western Medicine + Alternative Therapy

I want to identify who I am and my educational background because it is relevant to the conversation of health and wellness. I’m a board certified family nurse practitioner and I spent nearly eight years in college pursuing my degree. I practiced bedside nursing for five years on a hospital Med Surg floor and I practiced as a nurse practitioner in an outpatient internal medicine office for one year after graduation. I am currently practicing as an NP inside private residences (spoiler alert, it’s the most fun I’ve had in healthcare)!

Did you know that America is known as one of the sickest countries in the world? And most of our chronic disease can be directly attributed to our poor lifestyle choices! The cornerstone of nursing practice (at any level) is preventative care and education. Why do nurses apply compression hose to their postoperative patients? To prevent blood clots. Why do nurse practitioners spend office time educating patients on the benefits of diet, exercise, weight loss and smoking cessation? To prevent premature onset of diseases that can be directly linked to lifestyle choices such as high blood pressure and heart disease, diabetes and COPD (to name a few). Why do nurses practice, promote and educate on stringent hand hygiene? To prevent the spread of communicable disease/illness. Why aren't we practicing preventative care like our lives depend on it? Why aren't we actively pursuing wellness instead of chasing the symptoms of disease.

As an NP I'm passionate about educating others on health and wellness so they feel empowered to make informed decisions regarding their health. As an NP I do also prescribe medical therapies and drugs for my patients. However, I am a huge advocate for preventative care and alternative therapies (chiropractic care, massage therapy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, cupping, etc). What changes can we make within our homes and daily routines to stay above the line of illness? I believe in the combination of western medicine AND alternative therapy! Too many people are “one-sided” when it comes to healthcare. There is a time and a place for medications and drugs but guess what? Those therapies will often work best when combined with alternative therapy! We need both for the most favorable outcomes!

I fully believe in approaching health and wellness by looking at the whole person which includes aspects of a persons physical, psychological and spiritual being. I'm going to let you in on the biggest secret of don't need to be a fancy health care professional to take control of your own health and wellness! Eat nutritious foods, exercise, breathe fresh air, practice stress reduction, say no to harmful substances, rid your life of heavy chemicals and toxins and start incorporating essential oils into your life! You have the resources and tools at your fingertips to be educated, be preventative and to be practicing wellness in the comfort of your own homes!

Back to the Basics

Let’s start with the basics of what essential oils are and how they’re used. Essential oils are created from the process of steam distillation, resin tapping and cold pressing of plants. Essential oils have naturally occurring chemical constituents (their make up) that give them their specific odors, tastes and therapeutic properties. Many people use essential oils as alternative medicine through the process of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy can be beneficial to your emotional, spiritual and physical health. Essential oils can aid in the process of homeostasis, or balance within the body, through support of the immune system, neurological system, hormones and emotions.

The most familiar way to use essential oils is aromatically through diffusion. A diffuser uses a rapidly oscillating ultrasonic plate to break down the water and essential oils into microparticles that are light enough to be dispersed into the air. These microparticles make up the mist you see coming from a diffuser. The other two (less well known) uses of essential oils are through topical application and ingestion. Essential oils can be applied to the skin “neat” (without dilution) or they can be diluted in a carrier oil (like coconut oil or jojoba oil) and rubbed onto the skin. Some essential oils (vitality oils sold by Young Living) are even FDA approved for ingestion. You can put vitality oils in your water and drinks, you can cook with them, you can even make your own supplements by dropping them into a vegetable capsule.

Plants are incredible! People have been tapping into the health benefits of plants for decades. Did you know that hundreds of modern day pharmaceuticals contain active ingredients that are plants or plant derivatives? Some common medications you may know that contain active ingredients from plants include codeine, colchicine, morphine, caffeine, digoxin, atropine, hyoscyamine. Thus essential oils actually have therapeutic properties (health benefits), let me share a few examples with you. Peppermint is invigorating and energizing and is used to boost your mood and energy levels. Peppermint also has cooling properties and is used to support head and muscle tension and soreness. Peppermint can also aid in healthy digestive support. Lavender has a calming and soothing effect and is used as a sleep support oil and Thieves is a blend of oils, with each individual oil known for it's ability to support the immune system. Desired therapeutic effects and sensitivities to oils will vary from individual to individual. Your past scent associations will also determine how your body reacts to oils.

Does Science Support Essential Oils?

The science behind the inhalation of essential oils and how our bodies arrive at these desired therapeutic effects is actually fascinating! You need to know about two structures in the body to understand this process, the olfactory system and the limbic system. Your olfactory nerve is one of the twelve cranial nerves and its purpose in our body is to provide us with our sense of smell. The limbic system (also known as the emotional brain) is a set of structures within the brain (amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus, olfactory bulb) that are mainly responsible for memory association and emotions. The limbic system is also a key component in the regulation of the autonomic nervous system (heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress response, etc) as well as the endocrine system (hormone secreting system). When inhaled, the molecules of essential oils travel to our brains via the pathway of the olfactory nerve. Once the molecules reach the brain they are interfaced with the limbic system. In a nutshell (because you're not here to read a textbook, lol) the limbic system sends signals through pathways of neurochemicals and neurotransmitters to receptor sites all throughout the body, once the oil molecules cross the blood brain barrier they bind to proteins on our cells and that's how we arrive at our desired therapeutic response. Lets go back to the example of lavender oil to tie everything together. When lavender molecules enter the body they bind to the receptor sites of the specific neurotransmitter GABA (which is known for it's regulation of emotion). When receptor sites of GABA have been binded to, the result is a restriction of neural excitation, also known as a therapeutic effect of relaxation.

Experiencing the Therapeutic Benefits

I wrote a previous post (click here) about how I got started with essential oils in my home. Since using oils I have made intentional decisions to move towards a safer, plant-based environment in my home. It was just an added benefit that I began to experience the therapeutic benefits of oils, too! Since getting rid of several toxic items in my house (candles, air fresheners, laundry soaps, perfumes and tons of other commonly used household items) and replacing these items with essential oils, I have noticed significantly less fatigue and brain fog, higher energy levels and more motivation. I am getting the best sleep I’ve had in years. My mood and emotions are even keel. I used to worry excessively, cry frequently and have feelings of dread. I had little patience and experienced a lot of agitation. Now, I can’t remember the last time I cried, I have much more patience and grace for myself (and others) and I can reach for my oils when I feel upset and they help bring a peace and calm that I am so thankful for.

Ready to Try Oils for Yourself?

I hope the information I have shared will give you the education and empowerment you need to take control of your own health and wellness journey! If you have specific questions about essential oils or are interested in getting them into your home, please send me a message! I would love to help support you on your health and wellness journey!

Also, check out my oily toolbox (click here) a comprehensive resources guide to help you maximize the use of essential oils in your home!


As a medical professional it’s important for me to share sound information with you. As with any alternative or supplemental therapy, discuss any changes in your healthcare routine with your personal health care provider. I would like to state that at this time the FDA does not support the use of essential oils to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any medical conditions. As I’ve discussed above they are a means of supportive therapy to promote wellness. I’m here to simplify the education that’s out there and provide you with support but please also do your own research so you feel informed!




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